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When it all just CLiCKs       

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Flag of Spain
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Mexican Flag

Does your organisation or company want increased reach in the Spanish speaking world?

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CLiCK Interpreting and Translation helps open doors for Spanish speakers from all over the world, granting them access to services, opportunities and justice.

Face to face, telephone and video.

There's nothing worse than hitting the language barrier and experiencing frustrating hold ups when trying to offer your service users or clients assistance and information. Time is of the essence.


When Spanish-speakers are also struggling with emotional trauma, having fled their country, been separated from their loved ones, and then have to speak via phone or video link, this makes communication even more complex.

Call Center Headset
Online Communication
Accurate, professional Spanish / English interpreting. 

Helping you Communicate

Nobody wants a service user to end up being sent back to a potentially life-threatening situation.  This is the risk when using the poor interpreting skills an unqualified interpreter hired through a pricey agency. CLiCK Interpreting and Translation guarantees you a professional service.  Adherence to the strict code of conduct of the National Register of Public Service Interpreters also assures high standards.


Take a look at the About section and Testimonials for peace of mind.

Judge and Gavel
Three Friends


      Experience with:


  • Legal services


  • Immigration


  • School Admissions


  • Medical procedures​​


  • Housing


  • Social services â€‹


  • Domestic abuse support


  • Mental health


Family Viewing House
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For further information on rates and services contact:








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